Carbon tax comes on your gas bill from this month on

Toronto: The carbon tax came into effect yesterday and will appear on your next gas bill.…

Pay-by-Plate parking coming to Downtown Oshawa

The City of Oshawa has advised residents and vistors that the on-street parking machines in downtown…

Oshawa Centre Street North lane restrictions + more

Whitby: Daytime lane restrictions on Centre Street North (Regional Road 2A), in Oshawa began yesterday and…

Yet another girl goes missing from Oshawa

Police are trying to locate a 24-year-old vulnerable female from Oshawa who has last seen in…

King, Celina, Albert, Ontario streets in Oshawa closed

Oshawa has announced that it will close King Street, Celina Street, Albert Street and Ontario Street…

Lake Ontario flood warning downgraded to ‘Watch’

Oshawa: The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (Cloca) advises that the previously issued Lake Ontario Shoreline…

Oshawa asks for fire law on tall wood buildings

Oshawa City Council is requesting that the Province of Ontario change legislation for buildings under construction…

Police to update on Scugog animal cruelty case

Durham police said they will update the public about the alleged Scugog animal cruelty case. Officers…

Missing since 1985: What she may look like now

Toronto: Police is requesting the public’s assistance regarding Nicole Morin, who was eight when she went…

Oshawa lane restriction, Clarington road closure

Whitby:  The Regional Municipality of Durham, Works Department said there will be lane restrictions on Wilson…