Red-light cams, auto speed enforcement coming

Durham Regional Council has approved two new tools to improve traffic safety as part of Vision Zero initiative to work towards preventing severe injuries and fatalities on roadways.

Red-light cameras and automated speed enforcement will be coming to Durham Region in 2020.

Red-light cameras

Red-light camera programs have proven to improve road safety by influencing driver behaviour. The fine for running a red light in Ontario is $325. With red-light cameras, the Offence Notice is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and no demerit points will be issued, said a media release.

In Durham, locations that will have red-light cameras installed are chosen based on several factors including T-bone (right-angle) crash frequency data and the results of red-light running violation studies. Twelve cameras will be installed in 2020 and more locations can be added in the future.

Automated speed enforcement

Speed is a contributing factor in approximately one third of fatal collisions. Automated speed enforcement (ASE) is a reminder to slow down for the safety of our community. In Durham Region, ASE will be implemented in school zones and designated Community Safety Zones.

Images of vehicles that are detected going over the speed limit will be reviewed by a Provincial Offences Act officer and an offence notice will be sent to the owner of the vehicle. The offence notice is issued to the registered owner and no demerit points will be issued.

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