SDS available to Pakistan study permit applicants

Ottawa: The Student Direct Stream (SDS) is now available to study permit applicants who are living in…

Military Police motorbike relay crossing Canada

Ottawa: The 2019 Military Police National Motorcycle Relay (MPNMR) riders have embarked on a coast-to-coast ride which…

Trudeau welcomes new UK PM Boris Johnson

Ottawa: The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, yesterday welcome the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,…

Parks Canada new collections storage unveiled

Ottawa: The design of Parks Canada’s new purpose-built collection storage facility were revealed yesterday. The 8,200…

Ontario improving Internet, cell phone service

Plan will connect up to 220,000 new homes and businesses Lucan: Ontario families and businesses in…

Remember the victims of Danforth shootings

Toronto: Remember the Danforth shootings of last year? The mass shooting was carried out on Danforth…

Police get more tools to find missing persons

Toronto: When a loved one goes missing, swift action is critical. That’s why the Ontario Government…

Ontario names Special Advisor on flooding

Ottawa: The Ontario government has named Doug McNeil as Ontario’s Special Advisor on flooding. McNeil will…

Action Plan on sexually-transmitted infections

Vancouver, BC: Canada has launched an Action Plan on sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, Despite significant…

Drugs, weapons found during Joyceville lockdown

Kingston: $26,000+ worth of tobacco and marijuana have been intercepted and seized at Joyceville institution, which…