Durham Police yesterday said a Pickering female is in custody for firearm possession following an investigation by the DRPS Gun and Gang Unit.
On Thursday, April 4, members of the DRPS Gun and Gang Unit (GGU) completed an investigation into a female believed to be in possession of a firearm. Officers attended a school in the area of Centre Street and John Street, in Oshawa, and took the suspect into custody without incident.
Simultaneously, a search warrant was executed at the suspect’s residence in the area of Bayly Street and Sandy Beach Road, in Pickering. A loaded firearm with an overcapacity magazine was located in the suspect’s bedroom (image below), said a police statement.
The suspect, age 27 from Pickering, was charged and released on an undertaking. Name and further details available at www.drps.ca.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Gun and Gang Unit at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 1801.
Drugs and firearm seized in Ajax
Durham Police said a male is in custody for firearm and drug possession following an investigation by the Gun and Gang Unit in Ajax.
On Wednesday, April 3, members of the DRPS Gun and Gang Unit (GGU) concluded an investigation into a male believed to be in possession of a firearm and involved in drug trafficking.
Investigators located the suspect in the area of Salem Road and Kingston Road, in Ajax, and took him into custody without incident. A search of the suspect following the arrest revealed a loaded Glock firearm (images top and below) with an overcapacity magazine, in his waistband. The serial number for the firearm had been scratched off. The suspect was also in possession of numerous drugs, police said.
A search warrant was also executed at the suspect’s residence in the area of Salem Road and Kingston Road. A large amount of cash and numerous drugs were located and seized.
The suspect, age 22 from Ajax was charged and held for a bail hearing. Name and further details available at www.drps.ca.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Gun and Gang Unit at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 1801.
Editor’s Note: Durham Post does not name or identify the accused as:
1. Of this time, they are suspect[s] and not convicted by a court, and
2. Sometimes charges are amended or dropped.