Security tips for closed Durham businesses

The Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) has brought out a list of precautions that closed stores and businesses can take to protect their premises.

“With many businesses being ordered to temporarily close by the provincial government, owners may feel more vulnerable to break-ins. There are some steps businesses can take to improve security and deter criminal activity,” said the DRPS.

It advised:

Lighting: Keep the exterior entry points (including windows) well-lit. Lighting inside should be dimmer than outside but still lit enough to help security monitoring.

Valuables: Remove window and store-front displays from view. Remove all cash from the till and leave empty cash tray on the counter, in plain view.

Alarm: Contact your alarm company to be sure all information is up to date and your system is functional. Consider using a system that can be monitored online from home.

Signage: Post signage in doors and windows to indicate that the premises are being monitored and no money was left inside.

Entry Points: Be sure all entry points, including all windows and doors, are properly secured. Consider reinforcing any glass or latches to increase their integrity. Ensure no ladders or roof access ladders are extended/unlocked or are readily available. Ensure all gates and fences are locked and secured.

Windows: Blinds and curtains should be drawn in a way that the public can be alerted if someone is inside but not open so that the public can see fully inside the building.

Clean Exterior: Remove anything on the outside of a property that could aide a criminal, including bricks, metal poles or other discarded materials. Ensure all exterior garbage cans/chairs and newspaper boxes are removed from entrance points or near windows.

Construction Sites: Lock all gates and fences. Lock all machinery and vehicle cabs. Don’t leave any keys onsite or within vehicles. All tools and smaller machinery should be locked in a building or storage container. Park a large vehicle up close to doors if possible to prevent the doors from being opened. Record any VIN/ serial numbers on items and secure offsite.

“The public is encouraged to report any suspicious activity they see to police. If you witness a crime in progress, including break-ins to closed businesses, call 9-1-1 immediately,” said the DRPS.


[Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels]

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