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$60mn to develop Zoo, Camp 30 and Courtice waterfront

The Municipality of Clarington has said it will take about $20 million each to develop the former Bowmanville Zoo, Camp 30 building, and the Courtice Waterfront.

This estimate was released with the municiality’s recently revealed Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (PRCMP), which proposes a 2 hectare per 1,000 population of parks (see below).

The three projects are in addition to the parks, recreation and culture projects of the PRCMP.

The Zoo: The municipality plans to create a community park on the former Bowmanville Zoo lands with a vision for a signature park tied to the natural and cultural history of the property. It is based on community input. An updated design showcases natural play structures, an outdoor amphitheatre, connected trails, demonstration gardens, and art and culture installation spaces. Clarington Council will consider approval of the Bowmanville Park Master Plan at the October 28 meeting.  

Camp 30: Clarington is working with the Jury Lands Foundation to determine the future of the historic Camp 30 cafeteria building. Camp 30 is the former Boys Training School and a former Second World War prisoner of war camp. It’s a nationally and locally designated heritage resource. In 2013, Camp 30 was designated as a National Historic Site. It initially opened in 1925 as a training school for delinquent boys. During the Second World War, it was used by the Allies as a PoW Camp for captured high-ranking German officers. It is the only known PoW Camp left in Canada, with original buildings dating back to that era.

Courtice Waterfront: The project aims at enhancing Clarington’s waterfront, with a focus on advancing the Courtice Waterfront Development and Energy Park Secondary Plan. This secondary plan would create Clarington’s premier employment centre and develop a waterfront 18-hectare municipal park along the Lake Ontario shoreline. These areas are proposed to be complemented with a new residential and mixed-use neighbourhood.

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