Three new deaths take January covid toll to 30

Durham Health yesterday added three new Covid-19 deaths taking the January toll to 30. It reported one long term care home (LTCH) death in Scugog and two non-LTCH deaths in Whitby.

The region saw 53 deaths in December and five in November. Total deaths so far stand at 270 of which 213 were in long term care homes (LTCHs).

Durham Health also posted 53 new Covid-19 cases for January 23, taking the region’s tally to 10,234 since the count began on February 29. Another five cases are under investigation.

Recoveries stand at 9,298, up by 96. There are 666 active covid cases.

There were:

  • 11 new cases in Pickering
  • 10 in Ajax
  • 12 in Whitby
  • 11 in Oshawa
  • 8 in Clarington, and
  • One in Uxbridge

Forty-five cases are hospitalized with 13 in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and 661 people in home isolation.

Durham Health reported the highest number of cases so far at 3,003 in Ajax.

Death Toll: Total – 270              LTCH – 213

Of the 92 reported deaths in Pickering, 86 were in LTCH
Of the 45 reported deaths in Ajax, 33 were in LTCH
Forty-three deaths were reported in Whitby, 30 in LTCH
Of the 46 reported deaths in Oshawa, 34 were in LTCH
Nine deaths were reported in Clarington [none in LTCH]
23 deaths were reported in Uxbridge, 20 in LTCH
Twelve deaths have been reported in Scugog, 10 in LTCH
No deaths have been reported in Brock

Note: The data were extracted from the integrated Public Health Information System in the afternoon yesterday.

Ontario Cases




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