How to travel safe on the roads this season

This week marks one of the busiest for travel as people head off for holiday celebrations. Durham Region Police Service (DRPS) is reminding everyone to drive safely.

Traffic officers report 20 fatalities on our roads so far this year down from 24 fatalities in 2018. In an effort to keep that number down, DRPS is offering some information on how you can help keep our roads safer:

Don’t Drink and Drive: After the fifth week, the Festive R.I.D.E. team has charged a total of 81 motorists for drinking and driving offences. Last year at the same time, 87 people had been charged. If you are enjoying some festive cheer make sure you arrange a ride home, use a designated driving service, or take a taxi.

Be Mindful of Changing Weather Conditions: Road conditions can be unpredictable depending where you are driving too. It’s always best to be prepared to adjust your driving for winter conditions and always travel with an emergency kit just in case.

Pedestrian Safety is a two-way responsibility: Pedestrians will be out and about shopping for last minute gifts and motorists are asked to watch out for more pedestrian traffic than usual for the month of December. Pedestrians should also make themselves more visible by wearing reflective gear and bright clothing, especially at night. Avoid distractions such as texting and walking, cross roads safely and always make eye contact with drivers. Motorists should also avoid driving distracted (see below)

Avoid Distracted Driving: Drivers are also asked to avoid distractions while behind the wheel including talking on the phone or texting. Whatever you need to do can wait until you safely pull over. Watch for pedestrians and make eye contact with them when possible.

Thanks for helping to make sure everyone arrives safely at their holiday destination this year, said DRPS.

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