New up to 600-unit community planned for Port Perry

Avenu Properties Corporation is requesting Scugog Council to fast-track a master community of some 500-600 housing units and associated infrastructure in Port Perry on the shores of Lake Scugog.

It said the area could hold up to 800 units.

Avenu is asking the township to use the community infrastructure housing accelerator (CIHA) under Section 34.1 of the Planning Act to advance the proposed development of the lands located east of Simcoe Street, south of Castle Harbour Drive (see map below).

Council’s decision is awaited and will be posted in the minutes, said a township statement.

The site is located within Port Perry Urban Area and is designated as ‘residential. A full range of housing forms are already permitted (e.g. townhouses, apartment dwellings, etc.). Maximum density is not to exceed 50 units per hectare, while maximum height is not to exceed five storeys, according to a presentation made to council on December 4.

The project envisages a municipal trail along the shoreline, docks, local amentities and affordable seniors housing.

In coming March, Report and draft Zoning By-law will be submitted to Scugog Council to consider passing resolution in accordance with Section 34.1 to request Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to enact CIHA to implement proposed development.

CIHA process been recently utilized in other municipalities such as Ajax for 4,000 new homes, the presentation said.


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3 thoughts on “New up to 600-unit community planned for Port Perry

  1. Hello,

    This is communications for the Township of Scugog. Our CAO asked that I reach out to clarify that the article headline is not accurate. The Avenu proposal is for 500-600 units. The presentation mentioned that the area could be up to 800 units, but the proposal itself is looking at at between 500 to 600 units. Thank you.

  2. 600 hundred or 800 hundred.
    This is a stupid proposal.
    Killing green lands within an area of creek leading to Lake Scugog?
    Local politicians must be being paid off by development companies with deep pockets or naive to the point of idiocy.

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