
Two towers with 1,410 home units planned for Oshawa

A new residential and commercial, mixed use development containing two towers is being planned in Oshawa.

It will be developed in two phases.

Phase 1 consists of one new mixed use building varying in height between 18 storeys and 35 storeys and containing 720 apartment units and approximately 469 square metres (5,049 sqft) of commercial floorspace on the ground floor.

80HarbourRd_NewsAdPhase 2 consists of one new mixed use building varying in height between 16 storeys and 30 storeys and containing 690 apartment units and approximately 569 square metres (6,129 sqft) of commercial floorspace on the ground floor.

The city is planning a public meeting on February 7, at 6:30 pm, to hear what the community has to say about this new development.

The applications have been submitted by 2583422 Ontario Inc. (Nahid Corp.) to amend the Oshawa Official Plan (File: OPA-2021-01) and Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2021-02) for lands located east of Simcoe Street South, north of Harbour Road, as shown shaded on the map.

The purpose of the applications is to amend the Oshawa Official Plan to add a site specific policy to increase the permitted residential density to a maximum of 865 units per net hectare to permit two mixed use residential/ commercial buildings with a total of 1410 units.

Rezone the lands from R3-A(6)/R4-A/R6-D(2)/CC-A “h-52” “h-53” (Residential/Convenience Commercial) by changing the R6-D(2) portion of the zoning to an appropriate R6-D (Residential) Zone, to implement the proposed development with site specific conditions to permit certain performance standards such as, but not limited to, increased residential density and building height, increased height of a landscaped deck over a garage, reduced front yard and interior side yard depths and reduced required parking.


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