The Town of Ajax recently received the 2022 Municipal Excellence Award from the Municipal Information Systems Association (MISA).
The award is for the creation and implementation of its Waterfront Parking Management and Permit Program.
The town was the first in Durham to implement paid parking for visitors to its waterfront.
MISA recognizes municipalities for excellence in the use and delivery of technology, and for delivering a significant project or setting a new standard that other municipalities can follow. Criteria for this award include, among other things, furtherance of a municipality’s strategic objectives using information technology, innovation and costs savings/efficiencies, said a town statement.
The Ajax waterfront is the town’s most popular amenity and is very well-utilized throughout the summer months, especially on the weekends and public holidays.
In November 2020, Ajax Council approved an updated Waterfront Management Strategy, which included this new program, supported by technology to enable a modern, paperless permit system which would better balance the costs of waterfront management among residents and visitors, and preserve the ability of Ajax residents to enjoy this treasured public space.
The implementation of the Waterfront Parking Program, through the Town’s By-law Services and IT divisions’ collaborative efforts, demonstrates the Town’s goals to consistently administer innovative, convenient and modern ways to serve Ajax customers and access the Town’s services.