The Regional Municipality of Durham is finalizing the detailed design for the widening of Bowmanville Avenue (Regional Road 57) from Baseline Road to King Street West (Regional Highway 2) in the Municipality of Clarington.
This detailed design carries forward the preliminary design and recommendations from the Bowmanville Avenue Environmental Assessment Study completed in 2017, said a recent notice asking the public to give their feedback by February 16. There will be an Online Public Information session on February 17.
January 17, 2022
The region’s 2021 capital budget and Nine-Year Forecast identifies construction funding in 2023 for the widening. Construction timing is subject to regional council approval of construction funding and completion of utility relocations and property acquisition. A project information package including a graphical video of the proposed widening project is available on the region’s website.
Key Project Components
- Widening to four traffic lanes with curb and gutter;
- Raised median to increase safety;
- Drainage improvements and storm sewers;
- Rain-garden to store large rainfall events;
- Multi-use-path in west boulevard;
- Future sidewalk in east boulevard;
- Noise walls to reduce noise to adjacent properties;
- Transit stops;
- New illuminated pedestrian tunnel;
- Widening of existing bridge over CP Rail; and
- Sanitary sewer and watermain improvements.
How traffic will be maintained during construction:
- Existing traffic lanes (one lane in each direction) and left turn lanes will be maintained during all stages of construction;
- In the first year of construction, widening will occur on the east side;
- In the second year of construction, traffic will be shifted to the completed east side to allow widening of the west side;
- Minor lane closures with detours may be required on selected weekends for intersection improvements;
- Advance notice of these restrictions and traffic detour information will be provided to the public.
Future activities and final steps include:
- Review and consider the input received from the information event;
- Completion of the design of the Bowmanville Avenue corridor;
- Obtain approvals; and
- Acquire required property and relocate utilities.
Hello I would like to have something done about the noise from the traffic even with 2 lanes it is getting really bad. Now going to 4 oh boy that is not acceptable. You haven’t got noise walls to reduce noise at the top of the hill in the plan not pleased with that. We are at 62 Martin Road, lived here for 21 years the noise getting worse and back onto Bowmanville Ave there is not a plan for sound Barrier fence.
You also need to widen Bowmanville Ave, north of Regional highway #2 past Concession #3, to 2 lanes each way as well, the traffic is outrageous most days.stop taking more taxes off of us, you’ll make making enough money when all these new bills are completed.