Oshawa’s Bond Simcoe Urban Square design complete

The design phase of the Bond Simcoe Urban Square is complete, according to Oshawa city officials.…

Female driver with six times the alcohol limit charged

Durham Police have a charged (and released) a female driver caught with six times the permissible…

5 kilos of meth busted thanks to Super Bowl checkpoint whiff

Almost five kilograms of crystal meth was seized during the Super Bowl Ride line. On Sunday,…

Crash leads to arrests; BMW linked to auto thefts seized

Two males from Quebec have been arrested for multiple offences after a collision in Oshawa. On…

Eastbound lane closures on Highway 2 in Clarington coming up

The Regional Municipality of Durham is advising residents of lane restrictions on Durham Regional Highway 2…

Toronto officer charged for ramming scooter riders in Whitby

An Ontario Special Investigations Unit (SIU) statement said SIU Director Joseph Martino, has reasonable grounds to…

78 new homes proposed for development in Oshawa

The City of Oshawa has announced that it has received a development proposal. This will be…

Report warns Durham exposure risk up with rising solar UVR

Solar ultra-violet radiation (UVR) is increasing with climate change, according to a Durham Region Health Department…

Police want Ontario Shores man on ‘warrant of commital’

Durham Police yesterday said they are searching for a male who is wanted on a Warrant…

DRPS arrest man in Peterborough for $40,000+ identity fraud

Durham Police said a 35-year-old male has been arrested after impersonating another male and fraudulently obtaining…