Oshawa asks for funding for three projects

City of Oshawa applies for government funding for infrastructure projects
Oshawa has applied for funding under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program for three key projects, according to a city statement.

The three projects are:

  1. Rotary Park Redevelopment
  2. Splash Pad Redevelopment and Expansion Program
  3. Oshawa Museum Expansion

Oshawa submitted applications for the three projects under the Program’s “Community, Culture and Recreation” funding stream. The deadline for applications closed on November 12.

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program is a cost-shared infrastructure funding program between the federal government, provinces and territories, and municipalities. This program will see up to $30 billion in combined federal, provincial and other partner funding under four priority areas, including Community, Culture and Recreation.

“If our applications are successful, some needed infrastructure projects can be achieved for the benefit of the citizens of Oshawa. We are always grateful when the Province of Ontario and our Federal Government provide infrastructure funding,” said Councillor John Gray, Chair of the Finance Committee.

“Partnership with upper levels of government is vital in supporting needed projects in our city. The approval of the grant applications will go a long way towards providing necessary services to our community. I am looking forward to a positive response,” said Councillor Brian Nicholson, Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee.

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3 thoughts on “Oshawa asks for funding for three projects

  1. That’s Oshawa’s three key projects? Give me a break. Oshawa should be starting to get rid of bottleneck roads, road widening and better or more advance green traffic signals. That’s just the start. Come on council, open your damn eyes!

  2. Tennis Canada keeps promoting tennis and we don’t even have a proper club not just a few courts some of which are in terrible shape.
    We need a club that’s private
    Carol Watson

  3. That would be part of regular funding, and not applicable for this kind of funding. It’s a completely different pot.

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