Oshawa receives applications for raft of new buildings

The City of Oshawa has announced it has received applications relating to several new develpments across the city.

Proposals are to build a 10-storey 74-unit apartment building, a mosque, 4 block townhouse units and 63 stacked townhouse units, 8 single detached dwellings and 2 semi-detached dwellings.

The applications have been determined to be complete.

The Oshawa Economic and Development Services Committee will be considering the applications for the lands  at a public meeting on November 4 at 6:30 pm at the Oshawa City Hall, 50 Centre Street South.

10-storey 74-Apartment Building

One of the applications by KLM Planning Partners Inc. on behalf of 1619321 Ontario Limited, deals with the proposal to develop a site for a 10-storey, 74-unit apartment building on lands at 1251 Taunton Road East.

The purpose of these applications is to:

  • Amend the Oshawa Official Plan by adding a site specific policy to permit a maximum residential density of 350 units per net hectare;
  • Amend the Pinecrest Part II Plan by re-designating the site from Medium Density II Residential subject to Policy to High Density II Residential subject to a site specific policy to permit a proposed residential density of 350 units per net hectare; and,
  • Rezone the site from R1-A (Residential) to an appropriate site specific R6-D (Residential) Zone, to implement the proposed development with site specific conditions to permit certain performance standards such as, but not necessarily limited to, increased density and building encroachments, and reduced front yard and interior side yard depths, landscaped open space and parking.

Notice_Map of 1251 Taunton Rd E

Plan to Build a Mosque

Another application has been submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited on behalf of Al Arqam Islamic Centre for lands at 1709 Harmony Road North and adjacent surplus lands being purchased from the city.

The applicant proposes to develop a new mosque building.

The purpose of the application is to rezone 1709 Harmony Road North and the adjacent lands being purchased from the City of Oshawa from CIN(8) (Community Institutional) in part and OSU (Urban Open Space) in part to an appropriate CIN (Community Institutional) Zone to permit a new mosque building.

Notice_Map of 1709 Harmony Rd N

63 Stacked Townhouses

Weston Consulting has submitted an application on behalf of 2835731 Ontario Inc. for lands at 827 Gordon Street.

The applicant proposes to develop a portion of the subject site with 4 block townhouse units and 63 stacked townhouse units. The original portion of the existing institutional/commercial building (former Cedardale Public School) will be maintained with a new parking lot.

The purpose of the application is to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 by:

  • Rezoning that portion of the lands associated with the former Cedardale PublicSchool and associated parking lot from R1-C/CIN (Residential/CommunityInstitutional) to an appropriate site specific R1-C/CIN (Residential/CommunityInstitutional) Zone, to permit additional uses such as offices, personal serviceestablishments, studio, art gallery and commercial school, and to implement theproposed development with site specific conditions to permit certain performancestandards such as, but not necessarily limited to, reduced parking, loading spaces,landscaped open space, rear yard depth and interior side yard depth, and increasedlot coverage; and,
  • Rezoning the balance of the subject site from R1-C/CIN (Residential/CommunityInstitutional) to an appropriate R5-B (Residential) Zone to permit stacked townhousesand block townhouses and to implement the proposed development with site specificconditions to permit certain performance standards such as, but not necessarilylimited to, reduced yard depths and landscaped open space.

Notice_Map of 827 Gordon St

10 Buildings Project

An application has been submitted by 11373846 Canada Corp. for lands forming part of 374 Farewell Street.

The applicant proposes to develop part of the subject site for 8 single detached dwellings and 2 semi-detached dwellings.

The purpose of these applications is to:

  • Implement a draft plan of subdivision (S-O-2024-01) which proposes to create 8 single detached dwelling lots fronting Guelph Street and 2 semi-detached dwelling lots fronting Crerar Avenue; and,
  • Rezone the lands from R2/CIN (Residential/Community Institutional) to an appropriate R2 (Residential) Zone to permit the proposed development, with site specific conditions to permit certain performance standards such as, but not necessarily limited to, reduced lot area and rear yard depth and increased lot coverage for the single detached dwellings.

A related application for Site Plan Approval (File: SPA-2024-01) has been submitted to rearrange the parking lot on the retained church property.

Notice_Map of 374 Farewell St

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