Oshawa Senior Centres receive grant for facility upgrades

Local seniors in Oshawa are benefiting from recent upgrades to the Oshawa Senior Community Centres 55+ facilities thanks to a $116,800 grant.

On Friday, MPP Jennifer French was at the Oshawa Senior Community Centres 55+ (OSCC55+) to help them celebrate the completion of significant upgrades to the John Street and Delpark Homes branches thanks to a $116,800 capital grant from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The grant, awarded last year, enabled the OSCC55+ to replace the aging parking lot at the John Street branch plus damaged fencing surrounding the Adult Day Program patio along with the replacement of lounge furniture at the Delpark Homes Branch.

“The Oshawa Senior Community Centres 55+ (OSCC55+) has been a vibrant community organization serving adults aged fifty-five plus through excellence in programing since opening its doors in 1968,” said Jennifer French, MPP for Oshawa. “I am so grateful for the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s $116,800 investment in the deserving Oshawa Senior Community Centres. These Centres build relationships and provide places for engagement, care, fun & community participation; this investment will enhance their safety, accessibility, and experience. Congratulations to the Oshawa Senior Community Centres!”

The new furnishings at the Delpark Homes branch have created a comfortable and inviting space for participants to gather when accessing programs; creating opportunities for seniors to socialize, connect and engage in activities. The new furniture also increased seating capacity within the smaller lounge area, maximizing utilization and participant comfort. All furnishings now meet post-pandemic cleaning standards, ensuring the health and safety of everyone visiting the branch.

“We are thrilled with the upgrades and improvements we have been fortunate to make thanks to the Capital Grant,” said Kim Lepine, OSCC55+ Executive Director. “I would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their support in the revitalization of our Centres. The new furniture at Delpark, the enhanced parking lot, and the secure fencing at John Street have all contributed to creating more seniorfriendly spaces, ensuring safety, accessibility, and comfort for our participants.”

OSCC55+ provides programs and services to more than 5,500 seniors annually at five branches in Oshawa.

At the newly installed fence outside Adult Day Program Patio at John Street

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