Durham Police have arrested 221 individuals, executed 434 arrest warrants, and laid 757 charges during a seven-week project across Durham Region.
Between January and March, the Offender Management Unit, assisted by divisional units took part in a project which focused on persons wanted on outstanding arrest warrants for offences that occurred within the Durham Region. Members travelled across Southern Ontario to locate and arrest some of these offenders, said a police statement.
Project Tundra resulted in 193 charges being laid for Fail to Attend Court, and 221 individuals arrested for several offences, including: Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation and Aggravated Assault.
Of those charged, a male, a 57-year-old from Oshawa was charged with Sexual Assault stemming from an incident that occurred between 2007 and 2008. During the investigation it was discovered that the man had legally changed his name after the incident.
The man was found to be still residing in the Oshawa area where he was located, arrested on the outstanding warrant. His name and further details available at www.drps.ca.
Click here for a complete list of charges.
Anyone with any new information about this incident or other incidents, please contact Detective Constable Cook or Detective Sergeant McCabe at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 5389.
Editor’s Note: Durham Post does not name the accused as:
1. Of this time, they are suspects and not convicted, and
2. Sometimes charges are dropped or changed.