Bowmanville’s Prospect Street reconstruction starts

Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists need to be extra careful around Bowmanville’s Prospect Street as work will start today on its reconstruction.

It will be necessary to close the road for this work for four to five months. However, every effort will be made to provide local vehicular access to properties at the end of each working day.

From July 2, Eagleson Construction will start work from Odell Street to Fourth Street, Veterans Avenue and Second Street, from Prospect Street to Lambs Lane. The work includes replacement of the watermain and sanitary sewer, including individual lot services, construction of concrete curb and gutter, storm sewers, new granular road base and asphalt.

Access to properties for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be maintained at all times, with the exception of very short duration periods and advanced notice will be provided prior to any minor closure(s). Signage will be installed to provide details on traffic access.

A temporary water supply network will be installed, above ground, along property frontages of all homes affected by construction. The network will provide these homes with water throughout the duration of construction using four inch (4”) blue PVC pipe.

Construction will be disruptive at times. Heavy equipment will generate noise and vibration at times. Since there is often a perception from residents that vibration may cause damage, such as cracks in wall plaster, a professional company, OZA Inspections will carry out pre-condition inspections using trained staff. Residents are encouraged to allow the inspections since any subsequent claims will require pre-condition assessment information for a fair comparison. A representative from OZA will be contacting residents to explain the process and obtain your permission. There is no cost to you for this inspection.

The contractor will ensure that garbage and recyclables pick-up and all deliveries (including mail) is uninterrupted by this construction activity.

Road Closure: Orono Park Street

Park Street to close for filming between Main Street and Church Street in Orono on July 4 and 5, from 7 am to 11 pm. There will also be intermittent stoppages on Main Street between Park Street and Centreview Street during this time. A rain date is scheduled for July 3.

Detours available via Main Street.

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