Skipping the line into bus lane and into the arms of police

Patience is categorized as a virtue, but sometimes we give in to our weaker impulses for a variety of reasons, as perhaps did this driver (above and below).

No one likes to wait in traffic but using designated bus lanes to try and skip it will result in fines like these drivers learned in the Town of Ajax. said officers from Durham Region Police service (DRPS).

You may not travel in a bus lane for more than 60m from where you enter/exit. Consider using Durham Transit to save some time, added DRPS West Division.

The incident was reported on Tuesday.

Engine ‘Over-revving’

Meanwhile, during a traffic stop for speeding in Pickering yesterday, police got the excuse from the driver that their vehicle was ‘over-revving’.

West Division DRPS said Taunton Road and Altona Road is a 60 kmh construction zone.

The car (below on tow) was first measured at 144 kmh and later at 137 kmh.

The driver stated that the motor vehicle was over revving. This means it is an unsafe motor vehicle, police said.

Stunt charges were laid, the vehicle was impounded and the driver’s licence was suspended, police added.


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