Oshawa city has received an application that proposes to develop a new 22 storey residential/commercial mixed-use building containing 285 apartment units and commercial space in two ground floor retail units.
The city said a Planning Act public meeting will be held regarding applications to amend the Oshawa Official Plan (File: OPA-2023-01) and Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2023-03) submitted by GHD on behalf of 2702758 Ontario Ltd. for lands at 88 King Street West.
The Oshawa Economic and Development Services Committee will be considering the applications for the lands as shown shaded on the map (below) at the public meeting. The applications have been determined to be complete.
The purpose and effect of these applications is to:
- Amend the Oshawa Official Plan to add a site specific policy to permit the proposed residential density of 1,900 units per net hectare; and,
- Amend Zoning By-law 60-94 by rezoning the lands from CBD-A.T25 (Central Business District) to an appropriate site specific CBD-A (Central Business District) Zone, to implement the proposed development with site specific conditions to permit certain performance standards such as, but not necessarily limited to, increased residential density and building height, and reduced parking and building setbacks to street lines above 12m in height.
The public meeting will take place on September 9 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chamber, Oshawa City Hall, 50 Centre Street South.