67% Canadians know of at least one woman abuse case: DRPS

Statistics indicate that 67 per cent of all Canadians personally know at least one woman who has been physically or sexually assaulted.

On average, every six days a woman in Canada is killed by their intimate partner, according to a Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) statement.

November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month in Ontario. DRPS’ Domestic Violence Unit, along with partner agencies has developed a checklist that may help you decide if you or someone you know is being abused.
– Calls you names, puts you down, criticizes or humiliates you
– Makes it difficult for you to go out or visit family and friends
– Behaves in an overprotective way or becomes extremely jealousECONOMIC CONTROL
– Denies access to family assets like bank accounts or credit cards
– Forces you to account for what you’ve spent or takes your money
– Prevents you from getting or keeping a job or education

– Threatens to report you for something you didn’t do
– Threatens to harm or kidnap the children
– Threatens you with weapons to promote fear

– Destroys personal property or throws things around
– Grabs, pushes, hits, punches, slaps, kicks, chokes or bites
– Forces you to engage in sexual activities that you don’t want to do
– Carries out threats to hurt you, your family, pets or himself

If you are a victim of domestic abuse or know someone who is, please remember:

  • Abuse is not your fault, even though your abuser will say it is;
  • You are not responsible for the actions of others, including your intimate partner;
  • Every person has the right to a safe and violent free life; and
  • Calling the police is a positive step forward to prevent further violence.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1. If you need to report a domestic related crime or incident please call 905-579-1520.

For services and referrals, visit Victim Services of Durham Region

For support, please refer to the Intimate Partner Violence Pamphlet


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