Raising Limits: Higher speeds increase severity of injury

DRPS Traffic Services has said that rising speeds on roads increase the severity risk of injury…

Help find this missing girl from Oshawa

Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) yesterday reported a missing girl from Oshawa, and asked for public’s…

Speeding in front of Montessori school + more

Some people never learn, like a driver who was caught speeding in front of a school…

Study on rapid transit for Oshawa’s Simcoe Street

The Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa have announced that they are working together…

Five worst excuses for speeding in school zones…

It has not been long since children returned to school. Already, the Durham Regional Police Service…

New reserved bike room opening at Pickering GO

GO operator Metrolinx has announced that a new reserved bike room is opening at Pickering GO,…

Complaint received about Newtonville road project

Region of Durham yesterday announced that regional staff were notified on Thursday, through Ministry of the…

Man veers into field during episode, dies later in hospital

Durham Police yesterday said a 58-year old male from Coldwater, Ontario has died after being involved…

Clarington church celebrates 150th anniversary

Visitors from as far away as Ingersoll and London, and local residents, yesterday congregated at the…

Aging population faces critical times with PSW crisis

Personal Support Worker (PSW) agencies face a crisis – especially during the summer, Christmas, and New…