Clarington staff recommendation on 217 homes in Courtice

The Municipality of Clarington has announced that staff have made a recommendation relating to the applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and a Zoning By-law Amendment by Tribute (King Street) Ltd. to permit a total of 217 residential units.

The project envisages 130 single-detached dwellings, 42 semi-detached dwellings, 45 street townhouse dwellings, two regional corridor blocks and a future development block.

The plan contains a neighbourhood park block, an environmental protection block, a walkway block, and roads to be dedicated to the municipality.

Tribute (King Street) had previously submitted an application to permit 524 residential units on the southwest corner of Bloor Street and Trulls Road. The proposal included 130 single-detached units, 30 semi-detached units, 69 freehold townhouses, and 295 condominium townhouses. The site area is approximately 31.7 hectares (78.3 acres).

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