Zipping along merrily with no front licence plates

There are people in this world to whom money is the proverbial ‘filthy lucre’ and so they don’t care how it leaves their pockets.

The driver of the car above apparently subscribed to this view as it seems the person was unconcerned about paying out fines for violating traffic regulations.

“This driver was charged for not having a front licence plate,” said a tweet from North Division of Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS).

“Please ensure your vehicle is equipped with two licence plates,” police added.

The car was spotted at Goodwood in Uxbridge.

Ten impaired drivers caught

Meanwhile, DRPS Traffic Services said ten impaired drivers were taken off the roadway in one week because of residents.

“Thank you to those who call in, and to all: be safe, drive sober,” it said adding that if you suspect someone is driving impaired, call 9-1-1.

Over the weekend, 10 out of 35 calls to 9-1-1 for impaired driving resulted in an arrest. Do your part in keeping our roadways safe, the police added.

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