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Clarington updates user fees

The Municipality of Clarington has announced that the council has approved changes to Clarington’s User Fee By-law, which outlines how much the municipality charges for various customer services.

It did not say whether fees have gone up, or have been reduced or have been maintained at previous levels.

In addition to some administrative changes, various user fees were updated to reflect inflationary and administrative costs, said a municipal statement.

Notably, adoption fees at the Clarington Animal Shelter will be updated to better reflect the cost of animal care and bring the fees in line with comparable municipalities.

Clarington will also implement a voucher program for puppy adoptions, in which the adopter is eligible for a rebate with proof that the adopted puppy has been spayed or neutered. Clarington already had this program in place for kittens, the statement added.

The statement did not provide details of any other fees changes, or a link to the new user fee page.

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