Service changes to Durham Transit after morning depot blaze

Durham Region Transit said service changes are in effect today (August 16) due to a fire at the  garage at 710 Raleigh in Oshawa.

Oshawa Fire Services crews had battled to bring a blaze under control in the early hours this morning at the Durham Transit operations depot in Oshawa.

“Crews on scene of a three-alarm industrial fire located at Farewell Street and Raleigh Avenue,” said a tweet from Oshawa Fire.

It said Farewell Street was closed south of Bloor Street to Wentworth Street, and asked road users to avoid the area.

Over the last 24 hours, Oshawa Fire responded to 11 emergency incidents, including:

  • 1 Medical
  • 1 Public Hazard
  • 2 Alarms
  • 4 MVC Accidents
  • 1 Assistance
  • 1 Illegal Burn
  • 1 Industrial Fire

Oshawa Fire Services said its crews did an outstanding job limiting the damage at the industrial fire this morning.

OFS also thanked supporting agencies Durham Police, Durham Paramedic, Oshawa Power and Enbridge Gas.

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