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E-commerce and gaming – analysis of Canada’s online trends

With the ongoing trend of people choosing to do everything online, the e-commerce and gaming sectors have been identified as the biggest gainers in Canada. This is not surprising, as it was predicted due to the speed and ease of online gaming and shopping, causing Canadians to embrace the convenient lifestyle.

Each year, the growth of these sectors has been considerable and has exceeded expectations with the high percentage of consumers and the significant revenue generated. Both sectors make use of advanced technology that improves the experience.

Seeing this constant progress of e-commerce and gaming online, many offline shopping businesses and land-based gaming centers in Canada are hopping on the trend to create online platforms to attract customers and make profits. In this article, we’ll make a detailed analysis of e-commerce and gaming online trends.

E-commerce in Canada

E-commerce can be loosely defined as buying and selling goods or services online. Anyone would agree that this has been of great advantage to people’s lives, especially Canadians, because they can sell and purchase items from the comfort of their homes and get them delivered to their location at a particular time. Also, internet shopping offers wider selections and proper descriptions of each product – and most importantly, discounts or promos. All of this impresses consumers and makes them dependent on it.

The internet shopping trend keeps growing and as mentioned earlier, many offline retail shops are jumping on this online train, using social media to promote the visibility of their goods. In 2022, over 27 million Canadians bought and sold goods online, and predictions show that by 2025, there will be a massive increase in e-commerce users. Moreover, an increase in online shoppers also means that retailers will benefit more.

Some retailers are strategic as they focus on niche products like fashion items, for example, to attract customers and improve their overall sales. In Canada, the leading e-commerce product categories are electronics and fashion.

In addition, what has made this e-commerce trend even more successful is retailers allowing shoppers to purchase from their online businesses using their mobile devices. On the seller’s side, they optimize their websites and apps so buyers can have a stress-free mobile experience. According to Mordor Intelligence, statistics show that as of January 2022, 55 per cent of Canadians had sold items online with their mobile devices, and 47 per cent of consumers ranging from the age group of 18-34 shopped online at least once a week.

Also, another influence on the growth of this trend is the payment method. These online payment methods have had a big impact on both vendors and buyers. Because digital wallets are reliable, fast and secure, more people opt to use them to make their online purchases. Online Canadian shoppers use various digital methods such as Apple Pay, Amazon Pay and Google Pay, all of which work on mobile devices. Currently, almost everyone uses mPOS in Canada, which leads to massive growth. It is estimated that in 2025, digital wallets will account for 27 pr cent of online payments.

The popularity of e-commerce rocketed in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, when everything was shut down and people could not go out to buy anything. This led to the widescale adoption of internet buying and even after the pandemic, became more prevalent because Canadians never stopped buying and selling. In March 2022, e-commerce sales accounted for over US$ 2.3 billion, while retail e-commerce sales are expected to be US$40 billion in total by 2025.

Gaming in Canada

The gaming industry is popular throughout the world and Canada is no exception. There are over 15 million Canadian gamers, with the majority of them being children and teens. Though there are adult gamers too, their numbers cannot be compared to the children. The most common games in Canada include online gaming, esports and video games. Most of these games can be played on mobile devices, which makes mobile gaming very popular.

Online casino gambling has also garnered a huge following. For example, fast-paying online casinos in Canada, as recommended by, are particularly attractive, as they ensure players receive their winnings quickly and efficiently, enhancing the overall gaming experience. This particular review site helps Canadian players find reliable online casinos with in-depth reviews, comparisons, and expert insights, ensuring a safe and enjoyable gaming experience at licensed, regulated sites where Canadians can play online.

Most Canadians engage in gaming as a form of entertainment, to compete and create social interaction with other players. These interactions are possible because people can now engage in cross-platform gaming. Some of these gamers have created a career path and are well paid through online gaming.

The gamers who monetize their gaming skills are called streamers. They play on popular platforms that host competitive games, livestreaming their games on streaming platforms for others to watch. Overall, over 10 million people watch these livestreams and because of the benefits, many people are joining the trend, leading to a larger number of streamers.

In addition, advanced technology brought to gaming has made it more enjoyable, from the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) that immerses players in the gaming world, to 3D graphics and so much more.

The futures of e-commerce and gaming in Canada are bright considering how much revenue they generate, and their influence on each sector. With constant technological advancement, both should be gearing up for significant developments.

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