Former DDSB trustee continues her war on Twitter

The Durham District School Board (DDSB) trustee from Oshawa, Linda Stone, who resigned on Monday, is continuing her war on Twitter against DDSB’s human rights policy.

She also defended her remarks on use of pronouns for DDSB students.

“Again, asking about pronouns and consequences to getting them wrong is not trans phobic but this is where every question goes. No questioning or else!” she wrote on Twitter.

And, on cue, she once again drew mostly fire from teachers, parents and other stakeholders.

Replying to @IDontBlog, Linda tweeted: “Your nasty comments tell me all I need to know about you. You have no idea what is going on.”

There is much more debate on Twitter on the subject even as Durham and DDSB celebrated International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

Interestingly, Linda Stone’s name and image has been removed from the list of trustees on the DDSB website.

“Today, while celebrating the Freedom to Love, we also draw attention to the unacceptable violence and discrimination faced by 2SLGBTQ+people,” said a DDSB tweet.

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