G2 driver caught zipping by police at 200kmh

Everybody knows that Highway 401 in the western part of Durham is wide and smooth making for a great ride when traffic is a bit low – especially during off-peak hours.

However, it seems one young G2 driver confused the highway with a speedway. Maybe the motorist was practising before launching into a career as a racing car driver, or was just getting ready for derestricted sections of the Autobahn in Germany.

Whatever the case may have been, the ever-vigilant Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Highway Safety Division clocked this young person at 200kmh in the Ajax section of Highway 401 a couple of days ago (top image).

The 20-year old G2 driver was charged with stunt and careless driving, and received a 30-day driving licence suspension as well as a 14-day vehicle impound (image below)

The car being towed away

Meanwhile, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) East Division officers too reported speeding.

“Hey, need a lift? Here is how NOT to do it, said a tweet on Monday.

The driver below was caught doing 103kmh in a 60kmh construction zone with workers present, not to mention that the road and weather conditions were poor.

This violation (below), too, resulted in a 14-day vehicle impound and a 30-day driving licence suspension.

Location was not mentioned.


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