Going 53kmh over speed limit – while RIDE is on

We’re not sure if some Durham drivers are aware of the ongoing Festive RIDE campaign to ensure safety on our roads – or they just do not care.

It was not clear if one or the other applied in the case of this driver (top image) who was caught doing 133kmh in an 80-zone.

“Slow down Officers were conducting speed enforcement in the Township of Uxbridge and stopped a driver going 53kmh over the speed limit!” said a tweet from Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) North Division.

RIDE Week 3: 13 impaired charges

DRPS has completed its third week of the 2022 Festive RIDE program, stopping more than 1,753 vehicles and charging 13 drivers with impaired driving offences.

Durham Regional Officers conducted checks in Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa, and Bowmanville.

The following are the results (numbers in brackets reflect 2021 third week totals for comparison):

  • 1753     (1362) Vehicles stopped by RIDE
  • 134       (41)    People given Roadside Breath Tests
  • 2           (2)      People received “3 Day Suspensions” for registering a Warn
  • 0           (4)      Novice Driver received a 3, 7 or 30  Licence Suspension
  • 13         (16)    People were charged with Impaired Driving Offences
  • 20         (3)     Other Criminal Code Charges
  • 150       (46)   Charged with various Highway Traffic Act Offences
  • 1           (0)      Drug Offences

This week saw DRPS officers working alongside partners with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, conducting proactive inspections and education to multiple licensed establishments throughout the region. They also partnered with the Ministry of Transportation – Ontario, ensuring the sobriety of transport truck drivers. It is through continued partnerships with other enforcement agencies that DRPS is able to provide strategic and effective enforcement and education campaigns geared towards Reducing Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE), said a statement.

A complete list of those charged with Impaired/Exceed will be posted on police website at www.drps.ca under Ride Results.

Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, anyone charged with a criminal impaired driving offence will have their driver’s licence suspended for ninety days and their vehicle impounded automatically for seven days.

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