Have your say on growing weed at home

Township staff, the Mayor and Council of Uxbridge are highly encouraging residents to share their perspectives on factors to consider when registering medicinal cannabis producers.

Residents have until May 7th, 2021 to submit comments at https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/programs/consultation-guidance-personal-production-cannabis-medical-purposes.html.

Health Canada is inviting comments on public health and public safety factors that should be considered when deciding to grant or renew registration for personal production of cannabis for medical purposes. The consultation is open to all Canadians and involves completing an on-line form or submitting comment to cannabis.consultation@canada.ca.

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge passed a resolution on April 26th that was submitted as part of the Health Canada consultation. The resolution provides specific feedback for regulatory agencies to improve oversight and regulation of registered operators.


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