Rolling Highway 401 lane closures on November 2 and 3

Metrolinx has announced rolling Highway 401 lane closures for tonight and tomorrow in Ajax.

These will take place at Knapton Avenue on November 2, and at Harwood Avenue South on November 3.

To support GO Expansion projects, crews will be mobilizing to remove overhead cable spanning across Highway 401 adjacent to the Metrolinx Lakeshore East (LSE) corridor in Ajax proximate to Knapton Avenue and Harwood Avenue South, said Metrolinx, operator of GO Transit.

It said crews will be on site on both the North and South side of the LSE corridor. They will be operating with a 5-man crew with five trucks to perform the removals.This will require rolling overnight lane closures on Highway 401 on November 2 at Knapton Avenue (South Across Highway 401) from 10 pm to 6 am, and on November 3 at Harwood Avenue South and Highway 401 area from 10 pm till 6 am.

There are no anticipated transit or pedestrian impacts from the upcoming works, Metrolinx said.

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