Six-storey development planned along Ritson Road

Oshawa City Council has approved the development of a six-storey building containing 46 residential units along Ritson Road North.

In accordance with Section 17 (23) of the Planning Act, as amended, be advised that By-law 29-2024 adopting Amendment 74 to the Secondary Plan for Samac Community was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 26th day of February, 2024, said a city notice.

It said the purpose and effect of Amendment 74 to the Secondary Plan for the Samac Community is to:

(a) Amend Schedule “A”, Samac Land Use and Street Plan, by redesignating certain lands at the southeast corner of Ritson Road North and Luple Avenue from Medium Density I Residential to High Density I Residential to permit a 6-storey apartment building with 46 dwelling units, and to apply a site specific policy to continue to permit Medium Density I Residential and Medium Density II Residential uses and densities; and,

(b) Amend Schedule “A”, Samac Land Use and Street Plan, by redesignating certain lands at the southeast corner of Ritson Road North and Luple Avenue associated with the tributary of the Oshawa Creek from Medium Density I Residential to Open Space and Recreation.

Detached Homes

Oshawa also announced that city council has passed By-law Number 30-2024 on February 26, 2024 under Section 34 of the Planning Act.

The purpose of By-law 30-2024 to change the zoning for the lands generally located at the southeast corner of Ritson Road North and Luple Avenue from FD (Future Development) to R1-E(14) (Residential) in part, R6-C(15) “h-90” (Residential) in part and OSH (Hazard Lands Open Space) in part.

The effect of By-law 30-2024 is to permit the development of four single detached dwellings with a site specific regulation related to increased maximum lot coverage, and a 6-storey, 46 unit apartment building.

The key map shows the location of the lands to which By-law 30-2024 applies.

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