1% of Ontario homeless living in Durham

Just over one per cent of the 80,000 or so homeless in Ontario this winter are…

At-risk users have begun moving into Beaverton Heights

The Region of Durham has announced that program participants have begun moving into Beaverton Heights transitional…

Durham Winter Warming Plan opens for homeless residents

Region of Durham announced its Winter Warming Plan has opened from December 1 and will run…

Durham Region says 811 people are on its homeless list

Durham has over 811 people who are currently experiencing homelessness according to the Durham By-Name List.…

Twice homeless, senior citizen Debra asks officials for a roof

K. Debra Curlew, aged about 67 years, sat in the shade of her supplied tent, shielded…

Plan to build housing units at 1635 Dundas Street East

Phase 2 plans are afoot which include the building of housing units at 1635 Dundas Street…

Ontario funding for homeless youth housing in Durham

The Ontario government yesterday announced it is providing $1.2 million to help create six housing units…

1635 Dundas Street East welcomes its first occupants

The Regional Municipality of Durham yesterday announced that the first occupants to the 1635 Dundas Street…

Durham Opioid Crisis: 127 suspected overdose calls in 42 days

Durham Paramedic Services fielded 127 calls for suspected opioid overdoses from January 1 to February 11—72…

Almost 300 register on Durham homeless waiting list

Durham has almost 300 registered on its homeless waiting list, with the number of unregistered homeless…