Put the phone down or you’ll be holding a ticket instead

DRPS Traffic Services yesterday both bemoaned and warned distracted drivers.

Over the past two days, in North Oshawa alone, 71 tickets have been issued to drivers for using phones while driving.

“People still fail to realize the risks they are putting themselves and other road users in by using phones and driving distracted.

“The consequences are significant – so put phone down, eyes up! Or you’ll be holding a ticket in your hand instead of the phone,” said an advisory.

Meanwhile, Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) East Division yesterday reported the results from the two-day driving blitz.

They said in addition to the 71 cellphone use tickets, another 135 tickets were issued for provincial offences.

  • Four drivers were stopped who were already suspended
  • A G1 driving driving without a G driver present was caught talking on the cellphone
  • Charges were laid for stunt driving as well as 14 modified vehicle tickets, and
  • One driver caught on the cellphone was a driving instructor.

“Distracted driving is one the Big-4 Killers on our roads. Put the phone down and drive safely,” said DRPS East Division.

DRPS Central East Division Roadway Safety Team, which ran the two-day distracted driving enforcement campaign with DRPS East Division on Monday and Tues throughout North Oshawa, said all 71 drivers stopped for using their cellphones resulted in $615 fines and a possible three-day licence suspension for each.

Meanwhile, DRPS West Division issued three hand-held communication device tickets yesterday morning.

Two tickets were issued in the City of Pickering and one in the Town of Ajax.

“Put the phone down and pay attention to the road,” police said.

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