25% of all crashes in Durham are due to distracted driving

DRPS Traffic Services said approximately one person a day is killed in a car crash involving…

Put the phone down or you’ll be holding a ticket instead

DRPS Traffic Services yesterday both bemoaned and warned distracted drivers. Over the past two days, in…

Driver on phone with two kids in car + watching movies

Talking on your phone while driving may have been fun, or even important, for the driver…

Stop texting, don’t drive suspended… or with insecure load

It seems yesterday was not a good day for Durham motorists who text surreptitiously – or…

Seven day suspension…if caught on phone for second time

Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) today reminded that drivers incur an automatic seven-day licence suspension if…

Continued to talk on phone after eye contact with officer

We all know that some phone calls are important, and must be taken – but not…

Coffee in right hand, phone in left… who is driving?

Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) is on a campaign against distracted driving, and its Road Safety…

25 phone-use tickets in two-day Bowmanville blitz

Officers from the East Division of Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) concluded a two-day traffic blitz…

400+ driving tickets issued in just two weeks

A two-week driving enforcement campaign in Whitby resulted in over 400 tickets – the majority for…

168 caught for distracted driving over fortnight

You better watch out as the police are out on the roads looking to see if…