Durham Region yesterday announced that it has completed study for Liberty Street North Pumping Station in…
Tag: #LibertyStreet
Liberty Street Highway 401 ramps closed from July 11
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) long-term closure of Liberty Street east and westbound ramps on Highway…
Long-term closure of Liberty Street 401 ramps postponed
The Ministry of Transportation – Ontario (MTO) has postponed the long-term closure of Liberty Street east…
Liberty Street ramps to 401 to be closed from June 27
The Ministry of Transportation – Ontario (MTO) is starting a long-term project rehabilitating several structures along…
Have your say on Liberty Street reconstruction
Durham Region is proposing the reconstruction and intersection improvements on Liberty Street in Bowmanville, including a…
Traffic restrictions on Liberty St, Baseline Road
The Region of Durham has announced that the lane restrictions on Liberty Street North in Bowmanville…