Whitby Council, during its December meeting, approved an amendment to the Whitby Official Plan to permit up to three additional dwelling units (ADUs) as of right.
This brings the total to four home units on parcels of urban residential land.
In 2023, council directed town staff to complete work to permit four residential units as of right in support of the town’s Housing Accelerator Fund application. In January 2024, the town was allotted $24.9 million in federal Housing Accelerator funding. In part, this funding will support additional housing units in Whitby through the permission for up to four dwelling units on parcels of urban residential land subject to zoning compliance, said a town statement.
Whitby Council has pledged to facilitate the development of 18,000 new dwelling units by 2031. Allowing up to four dwelling units on parcels of urban residential land subject to zoning compliance will help the town meet this target, it added.
Click here for details on how to apply for ADUs in Whitby.
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