Whitby to announce 2020 park renewal projects

The Town of Whitby has invited residents to two upcoming Community Open House events to learn more about some of the park renewal and playground replacement projects planned for 2020.

Tuesday, February 11:

Visit between 6 pm and 8 pm to the Town Hall Council Chambers (575 Rossland Road East) to learn about the following projects:

Lupin Park: New playground equipment, accessibility improvements, tennis court renovations
Pringle Park: New playground equipment, accessibility improvements
Guthrie Park (West Playground): New playground equipment, accessibility improvements

Tuesday, February 18:

Visit between 6 pm and 8 pm to the Centennial Building’s Regal Room (416 Centre Street South) to learn about the following projects:

Ashburn Park: Basketball court resurfacing and picnic shelter
Davies Park: New playground equipment, accessibility improvements, basketball court renovations
Ennisclare Park: New playground equipment, accessibility improvements
Grass Park: Gazebo maintenance, accessibility improvements
Hannam Park: new playground equipment, accessibility improvements

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