Applications open to get free trees for rural roads

The Municipality of Clarington has announced that applications and program guidelines are available for the 2024 Trees for Rural Roads program.

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2024.

Since the program began in 2012, more than 8,400 trees have been distributed and planted on private property along municipal roadways in Clarington, said a statement. This has helped to maintain and restore Clarington’s rural character, provide ecological value, and contribute to local efforts to take action on climate change.

The trees provided for free by the program, are to be planted along roadways by the private property owners on their land (being their contribution).

The Trees for Rural Roads program is not designed to plant along laneways, within private yards or for hedgerow replacement. If property owners desire more trees for laneway planting and other locations, the Conservation Authorities may be able to assist with other programs they operate. Trees will not be provided to plant along provincial roadways, private roads, unopened/unmaintained roads or urban areas (Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, and Orono).

Successful applicants will be updated on the next steps in early April. Tree pickup day will be scheduled for a Saturday in April.

The Trees for Rural Roads program is made possible with the support of Central Lake Ontario and Ganaraska Region Conservation Authorities, and Maple Leaves Forever.

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