259 new electric vehicle chargers coming to the region

A federal funding of $2.4 million from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) was announed yesterday, which will enable the installation of 259 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across Durham Region.

No timeline for the installation of the chargers was mentioned by the region in its statement.

This investment will support the installation of an additional 42 electric vehicle chargers across 14 municipally-owned and publicly-accessible sites in Clarington, Scugog, Oshawa and Whitby – building on the existing EV charging infrastructure available at regional headquarters, along with various privately owned and operated EV chargers.

The funding, valued at $605,000 for Round 3 and $1.8 million for Round 4 of the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (Zevip), provides up to 50 per cent funding for EV chargers.

The Region of Durham collaborated with seven partner organizations in Zevip Round 3 and 4, including the Township of Brock, Municipality of Clarington, Town of Whitby, Durham Catholic District School Board, Trent University – Durham GTA, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the City of Oshawa, said the statement.

It said new EV charging stations will help enable these partners to transition their fleet to EVs. With several of these EV chargers also being available to the public, charging will be more available for residents at facilities across the region.

Zevip Rounds 3 and 4 make up Durham’s largest applications to date in terms of number of chargers, the overall value, and number of collaborative partners. These new EV chargers will help provide the infrastructure needed to expand the region’s corporate fleet to plug-in hybrid and full EVs. With Regional Council adopting the Light Duty Fleet Electrification Plan in April 2023, the region can ramp up the replacement of light duty fleet with low carbon options, the statement said.

“Building on our history as a home of automotive energy-sector innovation, we see electric vehicles as a key part of our strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and realize the economic benefits of the clean energy transition…,” said John Henry, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer.

Image of the annoucement courtesy Durham Region

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