Hitchhiker grabs ride on back of truck on highway [video]

A hitchhiker, who grabbed a free ride on the back of a truck on a highway, has been identified, according to Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).

It said the investigation is continuing.

“No, YOU are NOT seeing things! A person made a decision to ride on the back on this truck on #Hwy24 unbeknownst to the driver, said an OPP tweet.

It said: “This is a very dangerous act that could of had life-altering or -ending consequences. #OPP continuing to investigate.”

The incident happened in Norfolk County, and catalyzed a social media debate.

In response to a query, OPP West Region said: “The individual on the back of the truck has been identified. Investigation continuing. Take care and stay safe.”

It said the OPP would like to thank everyone for their assistance.

This video below was not taken by a police officer. It was sent to OPP by a concerned citizen, said a police tweet.

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