Pickering has new interactive Winter Operations Map

Pickering’s plows have been hitting the streets with winter weather arriving – and to allow residents to track the snow clearing process, the city has a new Interactive Winter Operations Map.

In an effort to strengthen its communications during a winter event, the City is utilizing GPS technology to track the status of salting and clearing operations for roads, sidewalks, multi-use trails, multi-use paths, parking lots, fire halls, steps and other manual clearing areas, said a city media release.

Pickering’s routes are cleared using a Priority Routing System. Priority Routes are identified as main roads and carry higher volumes of traffic. These are serviced first and are the roads people use to get to business areas, hospitals and in and out of the city. Local roads are serviced once priority routes are complete, and include primarily residential routes.

Visit pickering.ca/snowclearing for more information on the city’s order of operations and to access the Interactive Winter Operations Map. Users can also provide their comments and feedback through the feedback form.

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