The area. Source: Google Earth

Plans for new Soper Hills neighbourhood discussed

Plans for a complete new neighbourhood at Soper Hills were discussed at a public meeting in Clarington yesterday.

The Soper Hills Secondary Plan proposes to create complete neighbourhoods in Bowmanville, with a diverse housing mix within walking distance of shopping, services, schools and amenities, said the municipality.

The design aims to promote healthy lifestyles by integrating a mix of land uses with active transportation connections, it added.

As part of the Secondary Plan, an Environmental Assessment (EA) is being undertaken for new or modified major roads.

The Soper Hills Secondary Plan Study area is a 193 hectare area located on the east side of Bowmanville. It is generally bound by Highway 2 to the south, Lambs Road to the west, the Canadian Pacific Railway to the north and Providence Road and its unopened road allowance to the east.

A number of opportunities have been identified as part of this analysis, including, among others:

  1. Large portions of lands that are free from environmental constraints;
  2. Some natural areas, which contribute to the aesthetic of the area, may be appropriate for trails; and
  3. Opportunities exist for density in strategic locations along Regional and Local Corridors.

A number of constraints have been identified as part of this analysis, including, among others:

  • Transition Soper Hills Secondary Plan area abuts agricultural lands, employment lands or a rail corridor;
  • The limited existing and planned active transportation infrastructure and transit availability in and around the Secondary Plan area;
  • The watercourse that will be a constraint to development and potentially connectivity in the community;
  • The potential delay for sanitary servicing in the southeastern area of the site; and
  • Parcel consolidation along Highway 2 during development of the Corridor.

For more information, please visit the project web page at

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