The Municipality of Clarington has announced a study into parking issues in Orono.
Clarington staff will work with members of the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area to try and find a solution for concerns about the capacity of on-street parking, said a council notice.
Council requested that the parking demand data in downtown Orono be updated, and Public Works staff completed updated parking counts on several dates between late February and mid-April. The report came to council this (May) month.
The study area has 59 on-street parking spots, including two accessible parking spots on the west side of Main Street. During the study dates, approximately 48 per cent of the parking spots were full. The busiest days were Saturdays around the antique stores along Park Street, Church Street and Centreview Street.
Municipal staff will return to downtown Orono to collect more parking data in the coming months. said the notice.