A 16-year-old male pedestrian suffered serious injuries after a fail to remain collision in Ajax.
On Thursday, May 27, at approximately 8:15 pm., members from West Division were called to a pedestrian who was struck in the parking lot of 475 Westney Road North, located on the northeast corner of Westney Road and Magill Drive. Officers arrived on scene and located the victim who suffered serious injuries to his foot. He was taken to a trauma centre in Toronto with serious but non-life threatening injuries, said police.
The driver of the white Tesla, a 49-year-old female from Mississauga, had left the scene prior to police arrival and was later arrested and charged with Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance Cause Bodily Harm.
An altercation occurred in the parking lot leading up to the collision and investigators are looking for any witnesses, surveillance or dash-cam video of this incident, police said.
Anyone with information about this incident or witnessed this collision is asked to call D/Cst. Mackinnon of West Division Criminal Investigations Bureau at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 2529.