Vote independent, we toe no party line: Pranay Gunti

One of the candiddates for the Durham Riding federal by-election is urging residents to vote for an independent candidate as the  latter’s only focus is on what is best for Durham and not for the party.

The election date is set for March 4, 2024.

“Independents have options and will look at them. As independents, we can talk to any party and do not have to follow a party line,” says Pranay Gunti, an independent candidate.

He pointed out that an independent candidate’s tenure in parliament in Ottawa will be for some 18 months. “If you do not like what has been done, you can always change your representative,” Gunti told Durham Post, while urging voters to look at the independent option.

He also exhorted citizens to either vote by post or in person. “I feel so bad about voter apathy. We are talking about our future and we can change it,” Gunti said.

Gunti had earlier cut his teeth in local politics while standing for school board trustee elections. “I have a strong background in education, and I wanted to – and still do – to see how I can make things better. This is a big opportunity for me to serve the people,” Gunti said.

He has taken a leave of absence from his IT consultancy to concentrate on the campaign, which, he says, is “going good”.

“We are at full pace. We have signs on the ground, and we are ramping up our posts and videos on our website and social media,” said Gunti while pointing out that as a resident of Clarington, “I am a local resident and know local issues”.

Though Gunti did not make it as a school board trustee, he is on Clarington’s Anti-Black Racism Task Force as well as Diversity Advisory Committee and represents the municipality on Durham Region Transit board.

On why he decided to stand for elections, Gunti said: “I felt that unless you stepped forward, there would not be a change. I believe in solutions – realistic solutions that have a direct impact.”

Pranay Gunti (extreme left) has been involved in community service (supplied).

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Durham Riding by-election to be held on March 4

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