The Regional Municipality of Durham announced it has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study for the reconstruction and widening of Stevenson Road (Regional Road 53).
The area covered is from 300 metres south of Gibb Street (Regional Road 59) to Rossland Road (Regional Road 28), in the City of Oshawa.
The preferred design includes reconstruction and widening of Stevenson Road to include a continuous centre left turn lane from Gibb Street to Rossland Road, geometric and turning lane modifications at the Gibb Street, King Street, Bond Street, Adelaide Avenue and Annapolis Avenue intersections with Stevenson Road, and rehabilitating and extending the existing Goodman Creek culverts with local channel improvements.
The widening of Stevenson Road is identified in the Durham Transportation Master Plan 2017 (TMP) as the preferred solution to address operational deficiencies, road safety and increasing traffic volumes, said a region statement.
An Environmental Study Report has been prepared and provides an overview of Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA, describes the evaluation of alternative design concepts, and recommends a preferred design concept for the reconstruction and widening of Stevenson Road. Potential impacts associated with the preferred design concept and mitigation measures to reduce these impacts have also been assessed. The Environmental Study Report also provides a record of consultation undertaken throughout the study, the statement said.
The notice places the Environmental Study Report on the public record for review and comment for thirty (30) calendar days from May 8 to June 7, 2024 on the region’s website at:
Interested persons may provide written comments to the project team by June 7, 2024.
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