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Region intends to amend Development Charges Bylaw

Durham Region announced that the Regional Council intends to consider a bylaw to amend Regional Residential and Non-residential Development Charges Bylaw #42-2023.

The bylaw will be considered at the upcoming meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee on Tuesday, May 14, and thereafter at the Regional Council Meeting on Wednesday, May 29.

A region statement said the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23) introduced the mandatory phase-in of development charge rates over five years for development charge by-laws passed on or after January 1, 2022. The Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185) is proposing to eliminate the five-year phase-in of development charge rates. The purpose of the amending by-law is to remove the development charge phase-in provisions in Regional Development Charge By-law #42-2023 and implement the full calculated rates.

The amending bylaw would subsequently be presented to Regional Council for passage once Bill 185 is in effect. The full calculated rates would come into effect five business days after council approves the amending By-law, the statement said.

Comments from the public are welcome, it added.

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