Five casino games you should master first

Are you going to the casino soon? We don’t blame you if you’re nervous about going to the casino for the first time. At first glance, the casino seems like a posh place, but it’s just smoke and mirrors. It’s filled with casino players looking to win the big bucks on that night, and while that can still be quite intimidating for you, don’t be because even for a beginner like you, you can still win big, even if it’s your first time going to a casino.

Remember, most casino games are based on chance; you’ll win big if you’re lucky enough. That brings us to the question: Which games should you play first? Well, let’s help you with that. Here are five casino games you must first learn as a beginner.


If you want to play a game that doesn’t require you to think much and will make you rely on pure luck alone, then FanDuel slots are for you. If you don’t know what slots are, they are little gaming machines requiring you to bet and push a button. Once you push the button or, in some machines, pull a lever, the screen will then roll three little cards or, in some cases, five.

Each of these cards represents a symbol, and based on the pattern you end up with, your original bet will be multiplied. There are several patterns you’re aiming for, and each of them has a specific multiplier that will be used to calculate your winnings. Easy, right? It is because you don’t have to think about anything except how much money you want to bet for each button push.


This one is also simple. If you’ve watched casino movies before or movies with a scene in the casino, you’ve probably seen how this game works. This game has a huge roulette wheel filled with colors, mainly red and black, and plenty of slots filled with numbers. Inside the roulette, a little white ball goes along with the wheel as it’s spinning.

Now, what you do in this game is to guess which slot the little white ball will land on. You can do several types of bets in roulette, like guessing if the number the ball will land on will be odd or even or if the color will be red or black. Of course, the payout isn’t that much since it gives you a 50/50 chance of success. However, if you go for the harder bet types, like guessing the exact number the ball will land into, your payout will be much bigger.


Blackjack is arguably the most popular casino card game there is. One could argue that it’s poker, but we digress. Blackjack is popular, especially for beginners, because of its perfect mixture of simplicity and strategy. That said, if you’re looking for a casino card game to get into, blackjack should be your first choice.

However, if you don’t know what blackjack is and how it’s played, let us help you. The main goal of blackjack is to get a hand with a value as close to the number 21 as possible without going over it. Also, your hand should be better than the dealer’s. Yes, you heard that right. You’re not competing against other players here but the dealer itself. Multiple people can play this game, and they will try to match the dealer.

So, at the start of the game, the dealer will deal two face-down cards for all the players. However, the dealer will deal with one face-up card and one face-down card. Based on your hand and the dealer’s revealed card, you can choose whether to stand or hit.

If you choose to hit, you can have another card; if you choose to stand, your number of cards will remain. Remember, numbered cards are on face value, while face cards are valued at 10. Ace cards will be 1 or 10, depending on the rule set.


Now, this one is simple. In a bowl, there are usually 80 numbered plastic balls that you can bet on. Then, the balls will be mixed with a blower, and 20 balls will go out of the glass bowl. You aim to guess which number or numbers will be selected. You win if you guess correctly.


You might have heard of this one from the Bond movies already. It’s a staple of the movie series, after all. So how do you play it? In this game, you aim to guess which hand will be better between the player and the bank. If you guess correctly, you win. However, note that if you win by betting on the bank, the casino will get a commission. Technically, you can also bet on a tie, but the chances of it are once in a blue moon.

You can pick up these casino games in just a few minutes. Don’t get us wrong, though, as they are games that are absolutely fun and very popular among casino-goers. That said, if you’re looking for casino games that you want to get into easily, the best choices above are the best.

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